22 July 2014

Tuesday, July 22, 2014 - 12:00 AM

The agenda forum for this meeting will be held at 5.30pm Tuesday 15 July 2014, in Council Chambers, 63 Cathedral Avenue, Geraldton.

The Council meeting will be held at 5.30pm Tuesday 22 July 2014, in Council Chambers, 63 Cathedral Avenue, Geraldton.

Members of the public are welcome to attend.

If you propose to put a question to Council you are requested to submit them in writing providing your contact details and address prior to the Council Meeting. Please visit the City’s website at , for the procedure of Public Question Time which includes a submission form for questions.

Please send your question to the Chief Executive Officer, City of 91Ï㽶µ¼º½, PO Box 101, Geraldton WA 6531, or to council@cgg.wa.gov.au with the title: “Questions to Council – 22 July 2014”.


Ordinary Meeting of Council Minutes - 22 July 2014 (0.00 bytes)


Ordinary Meeting of Council Agenda - 22 July 2014 (0.00 bytes)


CCS061- Attachment- Council Policy CP051 (0.00 bytes)

CCS062- Attachment- Draft Register of Delegations to the CEO 2014 (0.00 bytes)

CCS064- Attachment - Rates Exemption Greenough Farmers Club Inc (0.00 bytes)

CCS067 - Attachment - Council Policy CP038 - Appointing an Acting CEO (0.00 bytes)

CC169 - Attachment - Geraldton Regional Art Gallery Management Committee Minutes 02 07 14 (3) (0.00 bytes)

SC160 - Attachment - Scheme amendment report (0.00 bytes)

SC161 - Attachment - Excerpts of Amendment 73 Report (0.00 bytes)

SC162 - Attachment - Excerpts Amendment 72 Report (0.00 bytes)

SC163A - Attachment - Development Application - Hope Community (0.00 bytes)

SC163B - Attachment - Development Plans - Hope Community (0.00 bytes)

SC163C - Attachment - Map of Advertising area - Hope Community (0.00 bytes)

SC163D - Attachment - Schedule of Submissions - Hope Community (0.00 bytes)

SC164A - Attachment - Letter from G Pitman Property Matrix (0.00 bytes)

SC164B - Attachment - CBD Revitalisation Program (0.00 bytes)

CC170 - Report to be Received - Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes 11.06.14 (0.00 bytes)

CC171 - Report to be Received - Australia Day 2014 Minutes 17.06.14 (0.00 bytes)

CC171A - Report to be Received - Attachment - Premier’s Australia Day Active Citizenship Award 2015 (0.00 bytes)

SCDD 088 - Delegated Determinations (0.00 bytes)